Wednesday 14 December 2011

On 8 December 2011 17:24, Millie Johnson <> wrote:
Hi Sai,

I hope you're well and you're not too snowed under with your project! I've had a chat with the designer and his feedback was that the menus need to be REALLY easy to read. He feels that the typography, whilst lovely, is confusing to the eye and not easy enough to read. I just wanted to share this feedback with you to see what your thoughts were...

Thanks so much and have a good evening,


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Millie Johnson <> wrote:
Hi Sai,

Please don't worry at all. Fon mentioned that you had an upcoming deadline. I hope it's all going well.

I'm going to have a chat with our designer to discuss the material for the boards etc IE where one could source magnets that you could use for typography etc. I'll also need to think about the material of the boards. If you have any ideas/know anyone that could help with this side of things then please let me know!

I also think that yes we could play around with colours - they could change when the seasonal menu changes perhaps? Green for spring? Pink/blue for summer? Red for winter/xmas? Although again I'd like to think a bit more about this. Simple blue and white is lovely!

Speak soon Sai,


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Sai Uennatornwaranggoon <> wrote:
Hi Camilla,

I'm so sorry about not being very responsive. I have been so busy these past couple of weeks as I'm nearing towards the end of my module now. We have a deadline on 14th of Dec so, again, I'm really sorry for not having been in touch at all 

but yes I have been thinking about your reply and what you said in the email was exactly what I was thinking but probably didn't explain very well. I think using a magnetic board would be a brilliant idea and quite exciting as well. 

also I've thought more about the design of the type and I think that they could even be in different colours. and not just the standard white and blue, but then again, that could be quite distracting. 

Also, I thought that may be if we did go with the magnet board idea, you could also make it quite interactive and perhaps leave an area on the board where customers could interact and suggest what they would like to see on the special menu 

eg. leave a set of words, perhaps smaller than the display ones, on one side of the board for the customers to move the words around. 

I always find that interactive media is a nice way of getting people's attentions and interest. Even if  some adult customers aren't as keen to participates, kids always like moving things around :) 

Pleas let me know what you think and what the next steps are? If you want any more new ideas? or some more visuals of the typography? and I promise I will be more responsive this time! 
again, I'm really sorry for not replying but I don't want you to think I've neglected the project! 


*Camilla Johnson*

*Camilla Johnson*
Brief 6 Carluccios

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