Wednesday 14 December 2011

Boards for other additional briefs

Brief 8 D& AD Brief 5 LCA Conference Devil'Spass

On 8 December 2011 17:24, Millie Johnson <> wrote:
Hi Sai,

I hope you're well and you're not too snowed under with your project! I've had a chat with the designer and his feedback was that the menus need to be REALLY easy to read. He feels that the typography, whilst lovely, is confusing to the eye and not easy enough to read. I just wanted to share this feedback with you to see what your thoughts were...

Thanks so much and have a good evening,


On Thu, Dec 1, 2011 at 2:00 PM, Millie Johnson <> wrote:
Hi Sai,

Please don't worry at all. Fon mentioned that you had an upcoming deadline. I hope it's all going well.

I'm going to have a chat with our designer to discuss the material for the boards etc IE where one could source magnets that you could use for typography etc. I'll also need to think about the material of the boards. If you have any ideas/know anyone that could help with this side of things then please let me know!

I also think that yes we could play around with colours - they could change when the seasonal menu changes perhaps? Green for spring? Pink/blue for summer? Red for winter/xmas? Although again I'd like to think a bit more about this. Simple blue and white is lovely!

Speak soon Sai,


On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 7:17 PM, Sai Uennatornwaranggoon <> wrote:
Hi Camilla,

I'm so sorry about not being very responsive. I have been so busy these past couple of weeks as I'm nearing towards the end of my module now. We have a deadline on 14th of Dec so, again, I'm really sorry for not having been in touch at all 

but yes I have been thinking about your reply and what you said in the email was exactly what I was thinking but probably didn't explain very well. I think using a magnetic board would be a brilliant idea and quite exciting as well. 

also I've thought more about the design of the type and I think that they could even be in different colours. and not just the standard white and blue, but then again, that could be quite distracting. 

Also, I thought that may be if we did go with the magnet board idea, you could also make it quite interactive and perhaps leave an area on the board where customers could interact and suggest what they would like to see on the special menu 

eg. leave a set of words, perhaps smaller than the display ones, on one side of the board for the customers to move the words around. 

I always find that interactive media is a nice way of getting people's attentions and interest. Even if  some adult customers aren't as keen to participates, kids always like moving things around :) 

Pleas let me know what you think and what the next steps are? If you want any more new ideas? or some more visuals of the typography? and I promise I will be more responsive this time! 
again, I'm really sorry for not replying but I don't want you to think I've neglected the project! 


*Camilla Johnson*

*Camilla Johnson*
Brief 6 Carluccios

4 main briefs

Brief 1 the Fat Hippie Brief 2 Pieverbs Brief 3 Deltoros Breif 4 PEace Day

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Brief 9 : Business Card

11 Card

Lost Blog posts

I seem to have lost half of my blog posts...
somehow they are showing up my google reader but cant find them on blogger

Im still trying to fix this but at the moment, this is the most I can do

I've also contacted blogger

OUGD301 Self Evaluation

Overall Model Evaluation:

-Firstly I think I  need to improve more on my time organisation and planning. Towards to end of this module I have gotten a lot better with 2 hourly schedule every single day. I feel like I've got a hang of it now but at the beginning of the modules I definitely spent too many days leaving uni and thinking what have I actually done. I know I've been in a lot but I wish I had been working like how I've been working in the past 4 weeks.

- I felt at the beginning  I was trying to do things in briefs just for the sake of it. I needed to think and re think about what i actually wanted to get out of a brief rather than just doing what I think needed to be done. Eg. The pie brief which was almost turned into a branding brief when that wasn't what I wanted to do ( elaborated in Brief 2's evaluation )

- Again, even nearer to the end of the module I felt like I wasn't  focused enough with the work I was producing. I was doing a lot of work but I was just going round in circles ( This is what we got told in the crit with Fred which I agree on ). I needed to figure out how to link my project together and figure out what was needed to be done in each of the projects

-I steered off quite a lot from what I originally intended to do  but I don't know if thats a bad thing as I still feel like I've developed quite a bit as a designer and I feel clearer now about what I want and need to do in my final major project
 I have changed my statement of intent from

'An image driven investigation into using illustrations and conventional typography with a focus on promotional design'


"A type and image driven investigation into promotional design with a focus on printed media"

-I actually felt like I've learnt a lot from these projects and that I have gotten better than how i was at the end of the summer.

- I  spoke to Joe....a lot of my projects , because i did one and left it and did the other, when i went back I had gotten  new in a lot of my work you can tell that I had come up with a new idea and then added it into the current project . eg. the book cover brief ( elaborated in Brief 3 evaluation)

Brief 1: The Fat Hippie

-Overall I feel like this is my strongest project out of the 4 major ones and I feel that its developed a lot since I started, especially looking at the old designs I started with.

-I should have visited more organic delis - I went round about three in the LEeds City centre but only one let me photograph the store, luckily it was the on I originally wanted to base mine on but I still could have done with a bit more research.

-This is the brief that I could have just carried on producing deliverables but had to be a point of stopping but a lot of them would have just been me makings things for the sake of it so I chose the essentials that I felt like woud fit well together as a brand.

-I probably spent less time on the packaging than my other deliverables but I feel like it's strongest idea and I  actually used that to apply to the rest of the range - eg. I did "fat wedge of..." posters first, and I was actually really happy with them but then I designed the packaging and had a chat with joe and realised that I should  apply the design for the packaging onto other things that just aren't as strong.

-I definitely spent too long on the logo, choosing a typeface, etc

Brief 2 : Pie-verbs

- This brief started off really unclear, even when I personally explained it to people. The main problem with it was the context. This project started out as me wanting to create a set of posters about pies but I felt the need to put it into context, so I created this made up pie festival and was going to brand the whole thing. but didn't base it on a real pie festival then had a tutorial with Fred, spoke about what I really wanted to get out of this brief and this is where I got to. I knew what I wanted to get out of the project. It ended up witha  context for it to exist in the real world in the end but i fitted that around the brief rather than trying to fit the brief around context which was unnecessary
 -I did end up wasting three weeks on a project that i completely changed but I'm really  glad i did---

-this one i felt like I rushed a few of the poster designs9 but then again, some of the ones I spent less time on i actually liked better than the one ( all work and no pie , ) I actually spent the most time on. Because they were all different styles etc, it felt a but like I was doing loads of mini briefs.

- I didn't like the actual deliver ables that much, eg. postcards.... could have had it better made but just ran out of time and towards the end and I think I had become quite fed up with my own project.

Brief 3 - Guillermo Del toro's " The making off..."

As mentioned in the overall module evaluation,  about using too many ideas , i think i had too many ideas on this brief and used them all inconsistently. I rushed into printing the book covers and then I left that for a bit before I started designing the promotional materials for the book launch.

- The box the books was definitely not as successful has I had hoped it would be .... I really annoyed that couldn't make it as well as the book covers ( in terms of how real they look ) I printed the net for this ( on A1) three times.  The first time I printed straight onto mount board which was definitely a bad idea. The second time printed onto shiny stock to mount onto the box template i made out of mount board but got the wrong measurement...the last time, it was almost good but still didn't quite fit, somehow the measurements were right on illustrator but just wrong that was 21 pound down the drain, the last one was good enough to photograph so i left it, I couldn't spend any more money for printing .

-I like the idea(s) for this module but i feel like i could have executed it better in terms of the design
probably could have had a bigger range such as promotional material, merchandises etc

- also didn't quite get round to thinking about how the poster that are given with the books will be given....

Brief 4- Peace day


- I'm going be be completely honest, I really spent realistically about a week and half on this brief and I know that I probably could have started it early, even a week but I felt like all of my project were so close to finishing and I needed to know that I had at least three finished projects before rushing into another on.

- I know I don't have nearly enough developmental work or variations for this particular module and  I know that it could be better executed

- I probably spent a lot longer on trying to come up with a 'winning' concept than the actual design work but I think for this particular brief, the idea is definitely the most important.

- its such as ridiculously huge task to globally promote a day in hope of making it into a day like Christmas or Halloween and also, i have your idea better than every one else who enter d and ad.

-I am at the moment still happy with my concept and I feel quite happy with my deliverables ( even though there aren't that many ). I was really enthusiastic about this brief and I think i was just excited to be doing something creatively different and not just working on my variations of my current three project. the work doesn't feel as dragged on and exhausted.

- over all  I am pretty happy with the result of this project, i like the concept, visually I think it would be a lot more developed but given the time, I'm quite happy.

What I would do differently next module:

  • work more effectively and become more OCD with my schedule
  • figure out why I'm doing what I'm doing
  • don't do anything just for the sake of doing it 
  • consistently evaluate my progress so I never become delusional of what work I have to do ( I managed okay this term but probably should step up the game next term)
  • get better and crafting and making things look real 
  • think more logically, especially once I've done the fun creative stuff. Start thinking about how the work would be produced in the real work etc 
  • talk to the tutors more 

Sunday 11 December 2011

Peace Day: Type for Peace

Peace day: photographs


Saturday 10 December 2011

Peace day: Deliverables

Bad Gen Origami

Peace day: The times

Friday 9 December 2011

Peace day: BBC

Work 3

Peace day: Google Doodle

Work 2

Brief 6 : Business Card


Peace Day: COLOUR

I've decided to go with this blue as I didn't really want to use a blue that has a grey tone -


I wanted something that is soft but still quite bright and I feel like the blue with a yellow or green tone feels more lively

plus, its jus a better colour 

Peace day : some thoughts

On Peace day,
there could be a product, something that people could easy get hold of or make- eg an orgiami crane etc

something that people could hang outside there house to show their engagement with peace day

pictures of houses around the world

Peace day: Some more ideas about deliverables

At the moment, my proposed possibilities for deliverables are:


bus shelter ads
bus ads
under/over grounds
( These are something that pretty much every country in the world has in common as a media )

Newspapers- not newspapers ads but actually changing the newspapers, produced for those days BLUE


small , inexpensive gifts that people could buy each other, eg.  food? chocolate

eg. a peace of chocolate, or a peace of something ( all profits will go to Peace One Day)

charity wrist bands?
perhaps something "peace" related...
something that needs represents some sort of collaboration between people?


changing the google, youtube, Facebook icons on Peace day to something blue

Possibly TV ads? > can mock up screen shots


Football can be blue
changing or adding around the olympics logo- adding the blue to it
blue socks ( cant get athletes to not wear their country colours etc, but can get them to wear an item of clothing that us blue, or get blue socks, or arm bands?

tickets to remind people of the date and tell them what to do on peace day
ribbons? ribbons that will be handed out at the entrance encouraging female audience to wear - when televised, LOADS OF BLUE ( badges for men ?)

Peace day: Colours

Choosing the blue that I think is the most "Peacefful" I wanted a light colour, something that is "peaceful" ( obviously ) but at the same time not dull so that it doesn't stand out. Colours

Book cover design: photographs

Book Launch Books 1 Bookshop Photos boxshotss Pan Book Photos 1

Organic food store: Photographed work

Veg Shop Photos Photos 1 Labels Product Shots Coffee Packaging

Jam Photos

Thursday 8 December 2011

Peace day: Initial designs

Work 1

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Peace day: Deliverables and Range

Ideas 2